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The how-to-guide for your AP automation plan

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Your AP Automation project has been blessed by IT management and executive leadership. Now what?

Bringing together people, processes and solutions with the goal of automating your accounts payable workflow can be a daunting project. Whether you’re removing process bottlenecks or reducing invoicing processing costs, you need a plan to help you navigate your implementation.

This 7-step plan plus checklist will help you determine how to:

  • Choose your scope: Will you take a customization, out-of-the-box or hybrid approach?
  • Select an effective team: Gather experts in their respective domain such as IT technician, shared services manager and finance director
  • Manage change and track progress: Get buy-in from procurement, IT, AP, customer service and management

Get your copy of the how-to-guide for your AP automation plan eBook and discover the pathway to greater productivity.

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