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Making Accessible PDFs With 4 Easy Tips and Tricks

PDF Editor Tips and Tricks for Making Accessible PDFs

The widespread accessibility of the PDF file across different platforms was one of the format's original selling points, and its accuracy on varying screens remains one of its most potent selling points. However, there is more to PDF accessibility than this basic feature. Creating accessible PDFs also refers to structuring them in ways that make it easier for all computer users to consume their content. From visually impaired users assisted by screen readers to those accessing documents on less powerful hardware, many can benefit from your business's efforts to make documents open to others. With Kofax Power PDF as your PDF editor, creating accessible files is easy.

Beautiful curly female freelancer with cute manicure using laptop and smiling. Indoor portrait of blonde secretary sitting beside coworker in blue shirt.

1. Correctly Tag All Parts of Your Document

Tags are the most important part of document accessibility practices because they provide user software solutions with the guidance they need to "understand" the document and its layout. Without proper tags, a screen reader won't fully parse the PDF and won't provide the user with the best possible experience. Items to tag include form fields, annotations, images, and more. Power PDF includes an extensive range of tools for adding and modifying tags with just a few clicks, so any user can make their PDF more accessible.

2. Add Alt Text to Charts and Images

Similar to tags, alt text allows screen readers to relay a description of a visual element to a user relying on a screen reader. Just as it is on the web, it is considered a best practice to add alt text to all the images you place in a document. Alt text should be concise but descriptive, providing users with a sense of the purpose or content of the image. To add alt text to an image in Power PDF, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Edit ribbon.
  2. Click "Edit Object."
  3. Select the image in question.
  4. Right-click and select "Properties." Navigate to the "Tag" panel.
  5. Create your alt text.

3. Use Power PDF's Built-In Accessibility Checker

Want to make sure that your document is as accessible as possible? Power PDF includes an "Accessibility Checker" function that will examine your document and provide suggestions for improving its accessibility. Features examined include tags, alt text, document layout, and more. This function has a limited capability to automatically correct some accessibility concerns while pointing users towards the right tools to make any other changes.

4. Keep Documents At a Reasonable Size

Finally, file size is an important consideration, especially when you merge a PDF with more data multiple times. Very large PDFs are slow to download and can be difficult to open and use on some devices. With Power PDF, your business can use powerful compression tools to shrink the file size down to a more manageable level without compromising quality or readability. Taken together, all these steps open the door to much more useful PDFs.

Easily Make Accessible PDFs With Power PDF

From robust compression algorithms to the helpful Accessibility Checker feature, Power PDF is more than just a basic PDF reader. For businesses large and small, it is a highly cost-effective tool suitable for creating, modifying, and securing PDFs for both public-facing and back-office applications. Available as both an individual and a volume license for a one-time purchase fee, adding Power PDF to your arsenal doesn't require a big financial commitment, either. Get a quote today to learn more about how Power PDF can support your goals and make your information more available.

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