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Merge Multiple PDF Documents, Images, and Files

Presentation matters. How you share information impacts the way that others develop an understanding of vital data. You won't get results by throwing numbers onto the projector screen or distributing jumbled quarterly reports and charts. Instead, bring disparate elements together into a cohesive document. How can you make materials accessible and usable when they are scattered across different formats?

With an efficient way to convert and merge PDF files, such as Kofax Power PDF, employees can combine multiple materials for better presentations and results. It's easier to build better reports, brochures, and other resources with robust multimedia editing.

Creating an effective report means doing more than sharing all the data, all at once. For effective communication, you must arrange it cohesively and illustrate the data with well-made graphics and engaging messaging. Where should you begin?


Put All Your Materials in the Same Format

Before you can assemble the final document or presentation that you have in mind, you must combine your materials. The simplest way to do so is to convert other files into PDF format for easy merging and manipulation.

Conversion is a simple task with Power PDF, which supports converting more than a dozen file types, including JPG, PNG, and TIFF. You can convert PDF to Word for editing or convert to PDF from Excel. Once you have all your materials ready for use, the next steps are simple.

Combine All Open PDFs with Ease

To begin the process, open each of the PDF files that you need to combine in Power PDF. The tabbed interface makes this process easy—you do not need to have multiple windows open at once. Once you've loaded in all the PDFs that you want to use, there is a simple button available on the Power PDF "Home" tab labeled "Combine All."

Selecting this option provides you with a dialog box for confirming the PDFs that you wish to merge and the order in which you want to combine them. A single click generates your combined PDF, which you can then manipulate as necessary to re-arrange pages and content. Power PDF also creates helpful bookmarks within the new PDF that link directly to the content from merged files.


Make Quick Work of Document Assembly with Power PDF

With quick JPG to PDF conversion capabilities and document assembly that takes only a few clicks, arranging new PDFs to suit the needs of your project takes no time at all with Power PDF. Equipping staff with the tools to work in a broad range of digital formats doesn't have to come at a high cost, either: there are affordable volume enterprise solutions and permanent individual licensing options to explore.

Get a trial version of Power PDF free to use for 14 days and see how easy it can be to merge resources.

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