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Kofax Corporate Update Concerning the Conflict in Ukraine

The tragic war in Ukraine continues unabated with mounting global consequences. We are deeply saddened by these events and have taken steps to prevent disruption for our customers, partners and company. Amid this backdrop, Kofax curtailed all sales of software, new maintenance, maintenance renewals and professional services in Russia immediately following Russia’s invasion.

Kofax has a globally distributed R&D organization with sites in multiple locations around the world. We have closed our R&D facility in St. Petersburg, Russia, with all operations ceased before June 30, 2022. Kofax has also implemented a mitigation plan put in place many years ago that allows us to transition many of those valuable resources to other Kofax R&D locations without interruption.

Kofax’s software now uses industry-leading OCR technology, Kofax OmniPage, which is benchmarked as superior in the industry and is developed and maintained in Kofax’s R&D sites outside Russia. Prior to 2020, customers using several Kofax products would have been using an alternative OCR technology from ABBYY. For customers concerned about possibly still using that product, Kofax can provide options to transition from ABBYY to Kofax OmniPage.

Kofax has never had R&D employees or contractors in Belarus.