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Kemira Frees Up Tens of Thousands of Hours Annually for Shared Services Teams With Kofax RPA


Hours saved annually

4 Bots

Deployed in one month


Updates to sap records

Kemira is lifting shared services productivity to new heights with Kofax RPA. By harnessing the robotic process automation solution to streamline processes, the group has freed up tens of thousands of hours a year, helping teams stay on top of rising workload and deliver top-quality service.

Kofax RPA helps our teams deliver the responsive back-office services that keep Kemira’s global operations flowing smoothly.
Jarkko Hanhimäki
Senior Manager of IT, Kemira

About Kemira

Kemira is a chemical industry group focusing on pulp and paper, water-intensive industries, municipal water treatment, and oil and gas. Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Kemira employs more than 4,900 people in 40 countries around the

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